2017 • KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH DALAM MENANGANI HARGA CABAI MERAH KERITING (capsicum annum L) (Studi Kasus Tinjauan Kebijakan Pemerintah pada Harga Cabai Merah keriting) di Sentra Produksi Kecamatan Cikajang dan Pasar Induk Kramat Jati Jakarta

  • Popularity: This indicator reflects the "current" impact/attention (the "hype") of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network.
  • Influence: This indicator reflects the overall/total impact of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network (diachronically).
  • Citation Count: This is an alternative to the "Influence" indicator, which also reflects the overall/total impact of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network (diachronically).
  • Impulse: This indicator reflects the initial momentum of an article directly after its publication, based on the underlying citation network.