doi = {10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.C.3651743_D2.V1},
url = {https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Additional_file_6_of_iCAGES_integrated_CAncer_GEnome_Score_for_comprehensively_prioritizing_driver_genes_in_personal_cancer_genomes/4495307/1},
author = {{Chengliang Dong} and {Yunfei Guo} and Yang,
Hui and {Zeyu He} and {Xiaoming Liu} and Wang,
keywords = {Microbiology,
FOS: Biological sciences,
FOS: Biological sciences,
Molecular Biology,
59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified,
FOS: Earth and related environmental sciences,
FOS: Earth and related environmental sciences,
69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified,
110309 Infectious Diseases,
FOS: Health sciences,
FOS: Health sciences,
Computational Biology},
title = {Additional file 6: of iCAGES: integrated CAncer GEnome Score for comprehensively prioritizing driver genes in personal cancer genomes},
publisher = {Figshare},
year = {2016},
copyright = {CC BY + CC0} }