doi = {10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.C.3646100_D3},
url = {https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Additional_file_2_Figure_S1_of_HDAC6_activity_is_a_non-oncogene_addiction_hub_for_inflammatory_breast_cancers/4474088},
author = {Putcha,
Preeti and {Jiyang Yu} and Rodriguez-Barrueco,
Ruth and Saucedo-Cuevas,
Laura and Villagrasa,
Patricia and Murga-Penas,
Eva and Quayle,
Steven and Yang,
Min and Castro,
Veronica and Llobet-Navas,
David and Birnbaum,
Daniel and Finetti,
Pascal and Woodward,
Wendy and {FrançOis Bertucci} and Alpaugh,
Mary and Califano,
Andrea and Silva,
keywords = {Biochemistry,
FOS: Biological sciences,
FOS: Biological sciences,
Cell Biology,
Molecular Biology,
59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified,
FOS: Earth and related environmental sciences,
FOS: Earth and related environmental sciences,
FOS: Clinical medicine,
FOS: Clinical medicine,
69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified,
Developmental Biology,
title = {Additional file 2: Figure S1. of HDAC6 activity is a non-oncogene addiction hub for inflammatory breast cancers},
publisher = {Figshare},
year = {2015},
copyright = {CC BY + CC0} }