doi = {10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.C.3625199_D2},
url = {https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Additional_file_4_Table_S4_of_Anchored_enrichment_dataset_for_true_flies_order_Diptera_reveals_insights_into_the_phylogeny_of_flower_flies_family_Syrphidae_/4406351},
author = {Young,
Andrew and Lemmon,
Alan and Skevington,
Jeffrey and {Ximo Mengual} and StĂĽhls,
Gunilla and Reemer,
Menno and Jordaens,
Kurt and Kelso,
Scott and Lemmon,
Emily and Hauser,
Martin and Meyer,
Marc De and Misof,
Bernhard and Wiegmann,
keywords = {Biochemistry,
FOS: Biological sciences,
Evolutionary Biology,
title = {Additional file 4: Table S4. of Anchored enrichment dataset for true flies (order Diptera) reveals insights into the phylogeny of flower flies (family Syrphidae)},
publisher = {Figshare},
year = {2016},
copyright = {CC BY + CC0} }