doi = {10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.9960131.V1},
url = {https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Metadata_record_for_The_SCOC_database_a_large_open_and_global_database_with_sediment_community_oxygen_consumption_rates/9960131/1},
author = {Stratmann,
Tanja and Soetaert,
Karline and {Chih-Lin Wei} and {Yu-Shih Lin} and Oevelen,
Dick Van},
keywords = {49999 Earth Sciences not elsewhere classified,
FOS: Earth and related environmental sciences,
FOS: Earth and related environmental sciences,
Environmental Science,
Marine Biology},
title = {Metadata record for: The SCOC database,
a large,
and global database with sediment community oxygen consumption rates},
publisher = {figshare},
year = {2019},
copyright = {Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal} }