doi = {10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.7843511.V2},
url = {https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/MOESM1_of_Exploring_the_GDB-13_chemical_space_using_deep_generative_models/7843511/2},
author = {ArĂşs-Pous,
Josep and Blaschke,
Thomas and Ulander,
Silas and {Jean-Louis Reymond} and {Hongming Chen} and Engkvist,
keywords = {Biochemistry,
Evolutionary Biology,
FOS: Biological sciences,
59999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified,
FOS: Earth and related environmental sciences,
39999 Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified,
FOS: Chemical sciences,
69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified,
80699 Information Systems not elsewhere classified,
FOS: Computer and information sciences,
Developmental Biology,
Inorganic Chemistry},
title = {MOESM1 of Exploring the GDB-13 chemical space using deep generative models},
publisher = {Figshare},
year = {2019},
copyright = {CC BY + CC0} }