doi = {10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.5782608},
url = {https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_1_Table_S1_of_Haemophilus_is_overrepresented_in_the_nasopharynx_of_infants_hospitalized_with_RSV_infection_and_associated_with_increased_viral_load_and_enhanced_mucosal_CXCL8_responses/5782608},
author = {Ederveen,
Thomas and Ferwerda,
Gerben and Ahout,
Inge and Vissers,
Marloes and Groot,
Ronald De and Boekhorst,
Jos and Timmerman,
Harro and Huynen,
Martijn and Hijum,
Sacha Van and Jonge,
Marien De},
keywords = {Space Science,
FOS: Biological sciences,
FOS: Biological sciences,
Evolutionary Biology,
FOS: Sociology,
FOS: Sociology,
19999 Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified,
FOS: Mathematics,
FOS: Mathematics,
110309 Infectious Diseases,
FOS: Health sciences,
FOS: Health sciences,
60506 Virology},
title = {Additional file 1: Table S1. of Haemophilus is overrepresented in the nasopharynx of infants hospitalized with RSV infection and associated with increased viral load and enhanced mucosal CXCL8 responses},
publisher = {figshare},
year = {2018},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International} }