doi = {10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.5686837.V1},
url = {https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_1_Table_S4_of_Genome-wide_association_study_of_coronary_artery_calcified_atherosclerotic_plaque_in_African_Americans_with_type_2_diabetes/5686837/1},
author = {Divers,
Jasmin and Palmer,
Nicholette and Langefeld,
Carl and {W. Mark Brown} and {Lingyi Lu} and Hicks,
Pamela and {S. Smith} and {Jianzhao Xu} and Terry,
James and Register,
Thomas and Wagenknecht,
Lynne and Parks,
John and {Lijun Ma} and Chan,
Gary and Buxbaum,
Sarah and Correa,
Adolfo and Musani,
Solomon and Wilson,
James and Taylor,
Herman and Bowden,
Donald and Carr,
John and Freedman,
keywords = {Space Science,
FOS: Biological sciences,
FOS: Biological sciences,
39999 Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified,
FOS: Chemical sciences,
FOS: Chemical sciences,
69999 Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified,
Developmental Biology,
Science Policy,
title = {Additional file 1: Table S4. of Genome-wide association study of coronary artery calcified atherosclerotic plaque in African Americans with type 2 diabetes},
publisher = {figshare},
year = {2017},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International} }