doi = {10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.13979273.V1},
url = {https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Additional_file_26_of_High-pressure_processing-induced_transcriptome_response_during_recovery_of_Listeria_monocytogenes/13979273/1},
author = {Duru,
Ilhan Cem and Bucur,
Florentina Ionela and Andreevskaya,
Margarita and Nikparvar,
Bahareh and Ylinen,
Anne and Grigore-Gurgu,
Leontina and Rode,
Tone Mari and Crauwels,
Peter and Laine,
Pia and Paulin,
Lars and Løvdal,
Trond and Riedel,
Christian U. and Bar,
Nadav and Borda,
Daniela and Nicolau,
Anca Ioana and Auvinen,
keywords = {Genetics,
FOS: Biological sciences,
FOS: Biological sciences},
title = {Additional file 26 of High-pressure processing-induced transcriptome response during recovery of Listeria monocytogenes},
publisher = {figshare},
year = {2021},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International} }