doi = {10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.12262898.V1},
url = {https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_2_of_Multi-proxy_analyses_of_a_mid-15th_century_Middle_Iron_Age_Bantu-speaker_palaeo-faecal_specimen_elucidates_the_configuration_of_the_ancestral_sub-Saharan_African_intestinal_microbiome/12262898/1},
author = {{Riaan F. Rifkin} and {Surendra Vikram} and {Jean-Baptiste Ramond} and Rey-Iglesia,
Alba and Brand,
Tina B. and Porraz,
Guillaume and Val,
Aurore and Hall,
Grant and Woodborne,
Stephan and Bailly,
Matthieu Le and Potgieter,
Marnie and Underdown,
Simon J. and Koopman,
Jessica E. and Cowan,
Don A. and Peer,
Yves Van De and Willerslev,
Eske and Hansen,
Anders J.},
keywords = {Genetics,
FOS: Biological sciences,
FOS: Biological sciences,
title = {Additional file 2 of Multi-proxy analyses of a mid-15th century Middle Iron Age Bantu-speaker palaeo-faecal specimen elucidates the configuration of the ‘ancestral’ sub-Saharan African intestinal microbiome},
publisher = {figshare},
year = {2020},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International} }