doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.1707.03709},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.03709},
author = {González-Nuevo,
J. and Lapi,
A. and Bonavera,
L. and Danese,
L. and de Zotti,
G. and Negrello,
M. and Bourne,
N. and Cooray,
A. and Dunne,
L. and Dye,
S. and Eales,
S. and Furlanetto,
C. and Ivison,
R. J. and Loveday,
J. and Maddox,
S. and Smith,
M. W. L. and Valiante,
keywords = {Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA),
FOS: Physical sciences,
FOS: Physical sciences},
title = {H-ATLAS/GAMA: Magnification Bias Tomography. Astrophysical constraints above $\sim1$ arcmin},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2017},
copyright = {arXiv.org perpetual,
non-exclusive license} }