doi = {10.21258/1164621},
url = {https://www.lfi.ch/resultate/sammlungenliste-fr.php?prodNr=32&prodItNr=158431&lang=fr},
author = {{Abegg,
M.} and {Brändli,
U.-B.} and {Cioldi,
F.} and {Fischer,
C.} and {Herold-Bonardi,
A.} and {Huber M.} and {Keller,
M.} and {Meile,
R.} and {Rösler,
E.} and {Speich,
S.} and {Traub,
B.} and {Vidondo,
keywords = {IFN3,
surface forestière,
processus liés aux cours d'eau SilvaProtect,
degré de recouvrement du rajeunissement (7 classes),
réseau terrestre IFN3,
forêt accessible sans la forêt buissonnante,
région de production},
language = {fr},
title = {Inventaire forestier national suisse - Tableau no 158431},
publisher = {Birmensdorf,
Institut fédéral de recherches WSL},
year = {2014} }