doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.864969},
url = {https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.864969},
author = {Batenburg,
Anneke M and Popa,
M Elena and Vermeulen,
Alexander T and Van den Bulk,
Willem CM and Jongejan,
Piet AC and Fisher,
Rebecca E and Lowry,
David and Nisbet,
Euan G and Röckmann,
keywords = {DATE/TIME,
HEIGHT above ground,
Sample comment,
Hydrogen mixing ratio,
Hydrogen mixing ratio,
standard deviation,
δ Deuterium,
δ Deuterium,
standard deviation,
Quality code,
Monitoring station},
language = {en},
title = {Molecular hydrogen (H2) mixing ratio and stable isotopic composition (dD) at the Cabauw tall tower in the Netherlands (2008-2012)},
publisher = {PANGAEA},
year = {2016},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported} }